Welcome to the Community Child Development Center Family!
Mission Statement
The mission of the Community Child Development Center is to provide quality care and education to young children in Macon County and the surrounding areas.
The center is licensed to serve children from birth to age six. The program is open year-round from 6:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, except for designated holidays.
Our handbook will provide you with valuable information necessary to ensure a quality experience for your child in the program. Please download the PDF and keep this handbook for future reference.
Program Philosophy
It is the philosophy of the Community Child Development Center, Inc. that young children construct their own knowledge through interactions with the physical and social world. The program emphasizes the whole child's development with the integration of social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development. Young children learn best through an activity that is process-oriented and hands-on. Activities will reflect each child's developmental range and individual interests and will be both child and teacher-directed.
CCDC will provide the following:
Children from all socioeconomic levels with quality child care and appropriate learning opportunities in a healthy and safe environment implemented by qualified staff.
Families with safe, healthy, dependable, and educational child care and family education opportunities.
Businesses with reliable child care for employees by reducing absenteeism and turnover.
Communities with a quality environment for future citizens to grow and learn and a recruitment and training opportunity for businesses and higher education institutions.
General Program Information
Community Child Development Center, Inc. is licensed by the State of Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Office of Childhood. Facilities are routinely inspected by the Missouri Department of Health and Sanitation, the State Fire Marshall, and the Section for Child Care Regulation to ensure health and safety requirements.
Applications are accepted on a first come, first serve basis without regard to race, religion, sex, or national origin. CCDC staff will be given the first chance at child openings in the center with the approval of the director. CCDC seeks to maintain a 35% enrollment of income-eligible children to fulfill grant requirements. A copy of Missouri Licensing Rules for Group Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers is available upon request and in our office. Regulations can be viewed at http://www.dese.mo.gov/childhood. The center is licensed to serve children from birth to age six.
Our program is open year-round from 6:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, except for designated holidays. The program is accredited by Missouri Accreditation for Early Childhood Programs.
History of Macon CCDC
Community Child Development Center was devised from a need for additional quality child care in the Macon area. A group of concerned citizens met in the Spring of 2005, and Community Child Development Center, Inc was incorporated as a 501©3 non-profit corporation in September 2005. A Board of Directors was formed, with Jane Hunter serving as our first President, and fundraising efforts began.
During 2006-2008, over one million dollars was raised through grants, tax credits, and donations to finance the program. A building was purchased in December 2006 with a Community Block Grant, and a Neighborhood Assistance Program Grant was approved for renovations and materials. A state-of-the-art playground was created with the assistance of a Mark Twain Solid Waste Grant. In early 2008, renovations to create a premier early childhood program began. The center opened in Fall 2008 with fifty children.
In 2016, CCDC opened a 2500-square-foot addition. This space provided one more preschool classroom for 20 children and a multipurpose room for large muscle play, professional development, and meetings. The multipurpose room is also a safe room for protection during storms.
Macon CCDC Board Members
Jessica Miner-McLin, President
Avis Marshall, Vice President
Mary Ann Butner, Secretary
Amanda Halley, Treasurer
Jerry Thompson
Lindsay Kelly
Danielle Crawford
Kathy Foley
Mickey Shipp
Erin Main, Ex-Officio
Tricia Knowles, Associate Director
Tonya Ryherd, Center Director